Moral Values Shift with the Seasons

Summary: A study has found that people’s endorsement of moral values fluctuates seasonally, with group-focused values like loyalty, authority, and purity being more strongly supported in spring and fall. This…

Classical Music Synchronizes Brain Waves, Improving Depression

Summary: Western classical music can significantly affect brain activity, particularly in people with treatment-resistant depression. By measuring brainwaves and neural imaging, scientists discovered that music synchronizes neural oscillations between brain…

Greater Knowledge May Harm Group Welfare

Summary: Increasing knowledge can lead to negative outcomes when individuals use it for self-interest rather than collective good. Researchers argue that enhanced knowledge can reduce cooperation among rational individuals, potentially…

Mediterranean Diet Linked to Lower Stress Levels

Summary: Following the Mediterranean diet versus the traditional Western diet might make you feel less stressed, according to new research. The findings suggest that people can lower their perception of…

Child Signals: Vocal Cues Shape Adult Perceptions

Summary: Human children depend on caregivers for extended periods, employing complex vocal and cognitive cues to elicit adult attention and care. Recent research shows that adults prioritize vocal cues when…

Social Drinking Activates Dopamine and Elevates Mood

Summary: New research reveals why alcohol makes people feel happier in social settings but not when drinking alone. Using fruit flies, scientists discovered that dopamine in the brain plays a…

Loneliness Linked to Nightmares – Neuroscience News

Summary: Research reveals that loneliness is linked to an increased frequency and intensity of nightmares, highlighting the connection between social isolation and sleep disturbances. The study suggests that stress, rumination,…

Hurts to Think: The Unpleasant Truth About Mental Effort

Summary: New research suggests that mental exertion is often associated with unpleasant feelings such as stress and irritation, challenging the notion that people enjoy mentally demanding tasks. A meta-analysis of…

Overthinking Happiness Can Lower Life Satisfaction

Summary: Obsessing over personal happiness can actually decrease life satisfaction, according to new research. In three studies involving over 1,800 participants, individuals who judged their own happiness reported lower well-being,…

Cannabigerol (CBG) Reduces Anxiety and Improves Memory

Summary: A new study shows that Cannabigerol (CBG) significantly reduces anxiety without the intoxicating effects of THC. The clinical trial found that 20 mg of CBG reduced anxiety and stress…