Daytime Physical Activity is Key to Unlocking Better Sleep

Summary: A new study reveals a strong link between daytime physical activity and improved sleep quality among both children and adults. Analyzing the daily routines of over 2500 participants, the…

Social Media’s Influence: Why More Young Women Eye Cosmetic Surgery

Summary: New research unveils the powerful influence of social media on young women’s views towards cosmetic surgery. The study, surveying 238 young women, found regular social media users more likely…

Embrace Wellness with AI: Chatbots Boosting Exercise, Diet, and Sleep Quality

Summary: Researchers found artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots can significantly enhance physical activity, diet, and sleep patterns. The study, the first systematic review and meta-analysis of its kind, shows that chatbots…

Time Out: We All Need a Three-Day Weekend

Summary: A three-day weekend is good for our health, a new study reports. An extra day of rest improves sleep duration, increases physical activity, and was associated with overall healthier…