Sleep’s Role in Brain Health

Summary: A new study reveals how sleep duration impacts brain health, specifically relating to stroke and dementia risks. Analyzing brain images of nearly 40,000 middle-aged participants, the study found that…

Zoom Conversations vs In-Person: Brain Activity Tells a Different Tale

Summary: A new study reveals a significant disparity in neural activity during face-to-face conversations compared to Zoom interactions. Using advanced neuroimaging, researchers observed suppressed neural signals during online exchanges. In…

Universal Music: All Recognize Dance & Lullabies, But Not Love Songs

Summary: While many musical themes are universally recognized, love songs are an exception. The study involved playing music snippets to over 5,000 participants from 49 countries, asking them to classify…

Breast Milk Component Boosts Infant Brain Connectivity

Summary: Researchers have discovered that myo-inositol, a small cyclic sugar molecule found in breast milk, plays a crucial role in promoting neuronal connections in infants’ brains. Prior studies indicated the…

Sniffing Out the Mechanism Behind Parkinson’s Smell Loss

Summary: Up to 90% of patients report experiencing a diminished sense of smell, even prior to the onset of other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. A new study reveals the mechanism…

People Who Think Positively About Aging Are More Likely to Recover Memory

Summary: Older people with mild cognitive impairment who have positive beliefs about aging are 30% more likely to regain normal cognitive function than those who are more pessimistic. Source; Yale…