Microsoft expands AI access to public

Microsoft corporate vice president Yusuf Mehdi says the firm has done away with a waitlist and made generative AI features available to anyone using a Microsoft account. Microsoft on Thursday…

Sleep Spindles Play a Role in Soothing PTSD Anxiety and Enhancing Memory Retention

Summary: Brief bursts of brain activity during sleep known as sleep spindles could potentially help regulate anxiety in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Researchers believe that the study’s findings…

AMD fTPM vulnerability uncovered

Elon Musk threatens to reassign NPR’s Twitter account

The headquarters for National Public Radio (NPR) stands on North Capitol Street on April 15, 2013, in Washington. Elon Musk threatened to reassign NPR’s Twitter account to “another company,” according…

Music Can Be an Alternative to Opioid-Based Medication for Chronic Pain

Summary: Music has been suggested as a complementary alternative to chronic pain medication. A new study examines the experience of a woman with chronic pain who used music for pain…

Google clashes with Brazil over disinformation bill

Brazil Justice Minister Flavio Dino accused Google of “manipulating” search results. The Brazilian government accused Google Tuesday of “deceitful and abusive propaganda” against a bill to tackle disinformation online, ordering…

Harnessing Psilocybin to Treat PTSD

Summary: Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, can restore fear extinction and help treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The study found that psilocybin promotes the growth of new neurons…

Apple and Google aim to expose Bluetooth tracker abuse

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Apple and Google on Tuesday proposed a tech standard to make sure people get tipped off when their movements are being tracked with Bluetooth devices like…

Women are More Prone to Alzheimer’s Disease and Stress May Be the Culprit

Summary: Stress may be a factor in why women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Amyloid beta rose sharply in the brains of female…

Emirates airline boss welcomes Saudi competition

Emirates Airline president Tim Clark says there is a long way to go for Saudi airlines and other competitors. The UAE’s Emirates airline does not feel threatened by ambitious expansion…