Machine Learning Deciphers News Language to Predict Country’s Peace Level

Summary: Researchers devised a machine learning model that gauges a country’s peace level by analyzing word frequency in its news media. By studying over 723,000 articles from 18 countries, the…

Mapping Time and Space: Neurons Decode Human Existence Dimensions

Summary: Researchers unveil how neurons in the brain depict time and space, fundamental to human consciousness. Utilizing special depth electrodes, they studied patients undergoing treatment for epilepsy, revealing “place cells”…

Cognitive Maturity: 18 is the Threshold of Cognitive Adulthood

Summary: A new study sheds light on when adolescents start thinking like adults. Researchers found that executive function, critical for task-switching and focus, typically matures around 18 years old. Drawing…

Afterlife Conversations: Healing Power in Grief’s Journey?

Summary: Interactions with the deceased, or ADCs, are reported by 30-34% of individuals. A recent study explored the effects of ADCs on those grieving a partner. The findings reveal that…

The Two Faces of Stress: Nurturing Resilience and Recognizing Overload

Summary: Stress, a reaction to demands, isn’t universally negative; it has its benefits. The positive side, eustress, can foster well-being and resilience. Researchers clarify that the difference between helpful and…

Innocent Faces of Fentanyl: Opioid Use Linked to Distinct Birth Anomalies

Summary: Researchers have identified a potential new syndrome in babies born to mothers who used fentanyl during pregnancy. The infants displayed distinctive facial features, small heads, short stature, and various…

White Matter Wonders: Re-imagining the Brain’s Silent Majority

Summary: Historically, scientific research has largely focused on the gray matter of the brain, leaving the equally important white matter understudied. However, a recent groundbreaking study has used fMRI to…

Schizophrenia Insights: Brain’s Search for Words Mirrors Animal Foraging Patterns

Summary: A new study suggests that the way our minds search for words and concepts in memory may parallel the age-old patterns animals use to hunt for food in their…

Choosing Ignorance: 40% Shun Consequence Knowledge for Selfish Gains

Summary: New research unveiled that when faced with a choice, 40% of individuals opt to remain ignorant about how their decisions impact others, often leveraging this unawareness to act more…

The Risky Brain: Unraveling the Neural Codes of Lottery Choices

Summary: Researchers pinpointed a key brain region in rats that determines their economic decisions when facing lottery-like uncertainties. The frontal orienting field (FOF) was identified as a major player in…