Sensory and Choice Responses in MT Distinct from Motion Encoding


Primate middle temporal (MT) area plays a critical role in the perception of visual motion. A long line of study has established that MT’s encoding of motion direction is quantitatively consistent with perceptual sensitivity, that noise in its responses is correlated with behavioral variability, and that causal perturbations of its activity affect motion perception in lawful and substantial ways (Newsome and Paré, 1988; Britten et al., 1992; Salzman et al., 1992; Britten et al., 1996). Owing to this powerfully integrated set of findings, many models and experiments have been able to assume that MT is the key place that the brain looks to for information about visual motion. However, these successes do not logically imply that MT only carries sensory information, leaving our understanding of MT at risk of overlooking additional signals and computations that are not aligned with representing motion for the sake of motion perception. In this work, we show that a novel manipulation of temporal strategy during motion discrimination reveals large signals in MT that are precisely related to components of performing the task, but neither of these sensory-related and choice-correlated signals directly impact psychophysical performance or reflect straightforward links between perceptual decisions and the sensory responses that informed them.

To directly test for and characterize nonsensory signals in MT, we manipulated the time course of psychophysical weighting while monkeys performed a direction-discrimination task, coupled with multineuron recordings analyzed via population-level approaches. We explicitly manipulated whether early or late parts of the stimulus had stronger or weaker motion evidence on average, which affected the time course of how subjects weighted the motion stimulus during task performance. This manipulation of the temporal weighting strategy caused a surprising and strong modulation of the sensory responses themselves that was not directly related to forming decisions about motion, and also provided critical leverage for “stress-testing” the relation between the time courses of decision formation and of choice-correlated activity.

When perceptual weighting was unconstrained, direction discrimination behavior was based primarily on early portions of the stimulus, and the sensory representation showed a standard and modest falloff over the course of stimulus presentation. When we shifted the temporal readout strategy to favor late portions of the stimulus, behavior relied preferentially on later stimulus epochs, but the sensory response did not change to match the time course of behavior. When subjects’ temporal weighting strategy was then manipulated to preferentially rely on earlier portions of the stimulus, later portions of the sensory response were increased rather than decreased. The effects of this last condition were most striking, as a steep falloff in perceptual weighting over time was accompanied by an increase in late sensory-driven activity that led to a nonmonotonic time course of motion-driven response.

Choice-correlated activity during the stimulus was also altered by changes in the psychophysical weighting, and across these behavioral time courses, was always lagged relative to the periods when the subjects were “reading out” MT activity. The consistently decision-lagged signal negates a major role of feedforward sensory noise in the origin of choice-related signals in MT. Furthermore, this signal was not simple feedback linking a sensory response and a subsequent, corresponding decision, not just because the choice signals affected MT population activity differently than visual motion did; we also observed a distinct choice-related signal after stimulus offset that was linked to impending response, and which was distinct from simple premotor activity.

These multiple components of the MT response were lawful functions of the time course of decision formation and the anticipation of the response; however, they cannot be interpreted as either modulations of the encoding that play out in perceptual reports or as effects of readout mechanisms that would either correlationally (via feedforward mechanisms) or causally (via straightforward feedback mechanisms) align with the sensory response. Thus, there appear to be multiple, large components of MT activity that both affect its stimulus-driven response but are separable from it. These were evident even during a well studied direction discrimination task with tight control over motion readout strategy, expanding the conventional designation of MT as a simple, low-dimensional, sensory-encoding area.


We measured the time course of sensory-correlated and choice-correlated responses from simultaneously recorded groups of MT neurons using linear and nonlinear decoding approaches while rhesus monkeys performed a motion direction discrimination task. We manipulated the time course of stimulus evidence and confirmed that the subjects shifted their temporal weighting strategy to rely preferentially on the stronger periods of stimulus motion. We began recordings in each subject with a baseline “flat” stimulus phase for several experimental sessions, in which stimuli had a constant average motion strength over time within a trial, as is the case in most related experiments (Gold and Shadlen, 2007). We then shifted to several sessions in a “late” regime, in which the stronger motion was present in the second half of the stimulus. Finally, we performed several sessions in an “early” regime, in which the stronger motion was present in the first half.

Observers change temporal weighting strategies according to stimulus statistics

Two trained rhesus macaques viewed sequences of seven motion pulses and indicated perceived net motion with a saccade to one of two response targets (Fig. 1a). We measured traditional psychometric performance (i.e., accuracy as a function of net motion strength on each trial), as well as the time course of weighting within each trial (i.e., the “psychophysical kernel,” which was estimated using logistic regression between motion strength at each pulse, and the binary choices; see Materials and Methods). We refer to the resulting set of regression coefficients, or weights, as the temporal weighting strategy.

Figure 1.
Figure 1.

Sequence of trial events and manipulation temporal stimulus statistics. a, Subjects fixated on a central point through the appearance of targets and motion stimulus until the disappearance of the fixation point (“go”). Choices were made with saccades to the target corresponding to the perceived net direction of motion. Initial fixation time, target-on duration, and time until fixation point disappearance were randomly varied. b–d, Average stimulus strength per pulse (bold lines) and individual trial examples (semi-transparent lines) for trials of different strength and direction (denoted by sign). b, In the flat stimulus, motion strength is constant over time on average. c, In the late stimulus, motion strength is reduced on average in the first three pulses such that the highest motion expectation is late. d, In the early stimulus, motion strength is reduced in the last three pulses such that the highest motion expectation is early. Motion pulse values in individual trials (semitransparent traces) vary considerably (for details, see Materials and Methods).

The motion discrimination task was performed in three contexts to manipulate the time course of behavioral weighting (Levi et al., 2018). First, in the flat-stimulus condition (Fig. 1b), the average motion over time was equal within a trial. Given that many traditional sensory decision-making studies use stimuli with uniform information over time, this flat-stimulus condition served as conventional baseline and reference conditions for our experiments. Subjects’ temporal weighting strategies were biased to have higher weight on early stimulus periods, despite uniform motion expectation over time (Fig. 2a). This default early weighting strategy is consistent with many other findings (Huk and Shadlen, 2005; Kiani et al., 2008; Nienborg and Cumming, 2009; Yates et al., 2017; Kawaguchi et al., 2018) and likely reflects a combination (Okazawa et al., 2018; Levi and Huk, 2020) of improved sensory encoding at stimulus onset (Osborne et al., 2004; Churchland et al., 2010), and the consequences of early termination of the decision process, because of mechanisms like bounded accumulation (Kiani et al., 2008).

Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Temporal weighting strategy changes with stimulus statistics. a–c, Temporal weighting behavior across conditions. a, Subjects preferentially weight the early pulses despite uniform motion expectation over time. b, Temporal weighting shifts during the late-stimulus condition to preferentially weight late pulses. c, Behavior reverts back to early weighting when the stimulus statistics are biased toward high motion strength early. d–f, Psychometric functions indicate that decisions varied with the direction and strength of motion, as expected. Insets show distributions of reaction times. g–i, All metrics are largely consistent across sessions within a condition.

Next, we performed a series of experimental sessions in which the stimulus statistics were manipulated such that the average motion strength was high for the last three pulses, while the first three pulses were near zero. We refer to this as the late-stimulus condition (Fig. 1c). Although the first three pulses had motion strength near zero on average (regardless of full-trial net motion strength), it is important to appreciate that on individual trials there was still variable nonzero motion possible for any pulse (and hence, still provided useful information for decision-making). Subjects were rewarded based on the actual net motion direction presented on that particular trial, as opposed to the average or expected value based on the condition from which the trial was generated. This produced robust behavioral changes that tracked motion expectation in the stimulus design, such that weight on the first three pulses decreased substantially, and the highest psychophysical weight was placed on the later pulses (Fig. 2b).

Finally, we performed a series of sessions in which the stimulus statistics were changed such that the average motion strength was now high in the early half of the stimulus and was near zero for the last half of the stimulus; we refer to this as the early-stimulus condition (Fig. 1d). This successfully changed temporal weighting behavior back to pronounced early weighting, in which the first pulses received drastically higher weight than the remainder of the stimulus (Fig. 2c), in a manner overall similar to the default strategy during the flat-stimulus [flat: –0.091 (95% CI, –0.113, 0.069); late: 0.083 (95% CI, 0.015, 0.151); early: –0.109 (95% CI, –0.136, –0.081); slope of linear fit to the psychophysical kernel].

Importantly, the changes in temporal weighting occurred alongside otherwise stable psychometric performance. This confirms that temporal weighting changes were indeed a targeted shift in strategy and not merely a result of the more general effects of learning. Stimulus sensitivity could vary session to session, but did not show general learning effects over time, which would manifest as higher sensitivity as sessions progress, regardless of stimulus condition (Fig. 2h). In fact, psychometric sensitivity decreased slightly as the experimental conditions went on [Fig. 2d–f; flat: 2.5208 (95% CI, 2.3616, 2.6800); late: 2.0421 (95% CI, 1.9183, 2.1659); early: 1.6961 (95% CI, 1.5862, 1.8060); slope of psychometric function]. Likewise, while there was some variation in median reaction times (RTs) across sessions, it varied only slightly between the conditions at large (Fig. 2i; flat: 95% CI, 0.2880 ± 0.0011 s; late: 95% CI, 0.2960 ± 0.0011 s; early: 95% CI, 0.2810, ± 0.0010 s), and did not get increasingly faster as sessions progressed, as one might expect from the general effects of learning.

In summary, the temporal weighting strategy shifted in concert with the time course of expected motion strength, placing higher weight on portions of the stimulus when higher motion strength was expected based on the experimental phase. This confirms that our manipulation of stimulus statistics affected the time course of psychophysical weighting, allowing us to interpret the timescale of neural responses relative to the subject’s readout of MT for motion discrimination, and to rely on an experimental manipulation that shifted this time course systematically across conditions.

Changes in sensory encoding run opposite changes in temporal weighting strategy

We recorded ensembles of single and multiunit activity from area MT while monkeys performed the direction discrimination task across the manipulation of the temporal weighting strategy described in the previous section. We used both linear and nonlinear ensemble decoding frameworks to extract information about visual motion direction (i.e., stimulus) and decisions (i.e., choice) from groups of simultaneously recorded MT neurons (Fig. 3a). As a simple starting point, we used logistic regression (“logReg”) between the raw trial spike count vectors and either the stimulus direction (the “direction” axis) or the psychophysical choice (the “choice” axis) to find a reweighted population response that best mapped neural activity to the binary stimulus or choice (Fig. 3a, left). Such linear models are likely easy for the brain to implement, but are limited in how they can capture relations between neurons and between neural activity and experimental factors. We therefore also used a more advanced nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique (vLGP model) to extract smooth low-dimensional latent factors that explain correlations within the population spike trains (Zhao and Park, 2017; Zhao et al., 2020; Fig. 3a, right). This provides the ability to more effectively capture the complex joint statistics of the neural population by leveraging the low-dimensional assumption and effectively denoises the spiking activity. Decoding based on vLGP also uses logistic regression to map the intermediate representation of ensemble activity (i.e., the inferred latent factors) to the stimulus or the choice.

Figure 3.
Figure 3.

Time course of motion-driven MT response changes opposite that of changes in temporal weighting strategy. a, From the simultaneously recorded spike trains, we found the linear projection that can best predict the stimulus direction (wstim) or the choice (wchoice). To enhance the signal-to-noise ratio, we extracted low-dimensional latent factors that explain the correlations in the population spike trains using smoothing factor analysis (right). The first projection is found by the singular dimension explaining the stimulus drive for all trials (wstim). The second is the choice information extracted from the top four latent factors altogether (wchoice). Projection of the frozen noise trials is still multidimensional and required further logistic regression to best predict the choice, defining the projection wstim and corresponding CPchoice. b–g, The PTA describes the modulation of the stimulus axis by a pulse of unit motion strength for each of the seven pulses in the visual motion stimulus. bd, Example sessions showing modulation of the sensory response during the three stimulus conditions, where the PTA is calculated on the one-dimensional, reweighted population response that is the output of the logReg decoder. eg, Average PTAs across all sessions for each condition using the vLGP decoder. Error bars reflect 68% CIs (±1 SEM).

Surprisingly, we observed large changes to the time-varying sensory response of the MT that were incommensurate with perceptual readout. To describe the time-varying gain on motion throughout each trial, we calculated the pulse-triggered average, which characterizes the change in the neural response to unit-strength motion (i.e., a single Gabor element drifting in one direction) relative to the onset of each of the seven pulse epochs (for details, see Materials and Methods). As the temporal weighting strategy shifted across conditions, one might expect nothing to change in MT, consistent with a constant (and thus largely veridical) representation of visual information despite changes in readout/weighting strategy. An alternative hypothesis, based on temporal attention, would predict gain modulation congruent with behaviorally upweighted and downweighted stimulus epochs (Ghose and Maunsell, 2002). Instead, to our surprise, we observed changes to sensory encoding with an unintuitive, if almost paradoxical, link to psychophysical direction discrimination.

In the flat-stimulus condition, there was a modest decrease in the sensory response over time (i.e., PTA magnitude fell across the seven pulse epochs; Fig. 3b,e). Such a gradually declining time course is consistent with known adaptation phenomena in many visual brain areas and has been observed in MT during viewing of this same stimulus (Yates et al., 2017). However, during the late-stimulus condition, the average time course of the sensory response was not distinguishable from that of the flat-stimulus [exponential fit, a · exp(b · x); flat: a = 0.86 (95% CI, 0.77, 0.96); b = −0.09 (95% CI, −0.12, −0.06); late: a = 0.86 (95% CI, 0.67, 1.06); b = −0.15 (95% CI, −0.21, −0.08); Fig. 3c,f]. Most importantly, this gradual decrease over the seven pulses is precisely the opposite of the behavioral profile, which shows relative downweighting of early pulses and upweighting of later pulses. And, most strikingly, when subjects switched to the early-stimulus condition, the sensory response showed a stark upweighting of later pulses, resulting in a dramatically nonmonotonic, U-shaped profile (Fig. 3d,e). While the flat and late conditions were well described by an exponential model (flat, R2 = 0.93; late, R2 = 0.87), the drastic change in shape means that the early condition was not (early, R2 = 0.05). Indeed, the early condition was the only time when responsivity significantly increased as time progressed [maximum (±SE): pulse 4, 0.46 (0.41 ± 0.51); to pulse 5, 0.67 (0.62 ± 0.71)]. Likewise, the responses to pulses 5, 6, and 7 were significantly greater than those of both the flat and early conditions [flat: pulse 5, 0.56 (1 SEM, 0.46 6 0.66); pulse 6, 0.49 (1 SEM, 0.39 6 0.59); pulse 7, 0.46 (1 SEM 0.39 6 0.54); early: pulse 5, 0.67 (1 SEM, 0.62 6 0.71); pulse 6, 0.64 (1 SEM, 0.58 6 0.69); pulse 7, 0.68 (1 SEM, 0.61 6 0.74); mean pulse maximum]. This is unexpected because of the relative lack of average stimulus strength in the final three pulses during the early condition compared with the flat and late conditions. Once again, this is also directly at odds with the temporal weighting of behavior, which sharply favors the first two to three pulses over the rest. This modulation is counterintuitive from standard perspectives, which would predict that if any changes in sensory response are evident, they would be reflected by increases in response to stimulus portions that were weighted more strongly for decision-making.

Instead of gain changes that reflect behavioral readout strategy, the sensory response modulations we observed make more sense viewed as compensating for the “missing” signal relative to a time-stationary motion expectation. In our experiments, both animals were trained extensively on the flat condition before undergoing temporal manipulation. The change in gain thus manifested as a function of the mismatch between this apparently “default” temporally uniform expectation of motion and the statistics of the currently encountered condition. In more detail, during the late condition motion strength was decreased in the early portions of the stimulus, but the PTA did not reveal a decrease in the response to those pulses (Fig. 3c,f). In fact, the only noteworthy difference from the flat to the late condition was a decrease in the response to pulse 4, which can be interpreted as a faster falloff of the floor responsivity of the population, just before the highest behaviorally weighted pulses [pulse 4: flat mean peaks (±SE), 0.60 (0.52, 0.68); late mean peaks, 0.37 (0.26 0.47)]. During the early condition, the motion strength on later pulses was decreased, but the PTA revealed a striking gain increase on these portions of the stimulus for which the expected motion was quite weak (Fig. 3d,g). Thus, while the temporal weighting evident in behavior changed across conditions in a way that tracked changes in stimulus statistics (i.e., weighting the stronger periods of motion more, and the weaker periods of motion less), the response of MT to motion was changed inversely to those patterns.

Consistent with prior work (Zhao et al., 2020), the motion stimulus was primarily present in one dimension within the space of the vLGP latent factors, termed the stimulus axis. In fact, we found that the sensitivity of a neuron to task-relevant motion directions (d′) was highly correlated with its response in the stimulus axis (r = 0.484), but not with the null space (three dimensions, r = 0.106). The vLGP-based PTA values (Fig. 3e–g) were estimated on the stimulus axis. Thus, the correlation between the d′ value of a neuron and the stimulus axis (but not the other latent factors) confirms that, despite counterintuitive changes to the time course of the PTA, it is still directly and proportionally informed by the neurons most sensitive to the task.

Choice-correlated activity in MT is large but does not align with stimulus encoding or behavioral readout

We observed the presence of substantial choice-correlated activity in the MT population response (evident via both logReg and vLGP), achieving large peak magnitudes (>0.6), as measured by CP; although we use CP as a conventional metric in this article, we emphasize that by calculating it on various dimensions of the ensemble response, we have generalized it beyond the classical approach of only looking at choice-correlated activity defined along the stimulus axis for one neuron at a time (Britten et al., 1996).

The largest choice-correlated activity was present in the population activity in a manner distinct from how the stimulus drove the ensemble of MT neurons. Via logReg, this was evident in significantly larger CPs along the choice axis over the direction axis (Fig. 4a–c), stemming from a weak correspondence between the weight of a neuron in one model compared with the other (r = 0.146), given that the sensitivity of a neuron to task-relevant motion (d′) was strongly correlated with its weight along the direction axis (Fig. 4d, left; r = 0.651), but not at all correlated with its weight along the choice axis (Fig. 4d, right; r = 0.039). The vLGP analysis showed that stimulus encoding was well described by a single dimension (the stimulus axis), but the stimulus axis had little choice information (rarely exceeding 0.5) when compared with the combined choice information in the top four latent factors altogether (Zhao et al., 2020; Fig. 4a–c). This is evident further in the correlation between the d′ value of an individual neuron and the loading weight for the stimulus dimension (Fig. 4e, left; r = 0.434) and the lack of a correlation between the d′ value and the combined weight in the remaining three nonstimulus, or choice, dimensions (Fig. 4e, right; r = 0.106). The value of the ensemble-level decoding approaches (implemented via logReg and/or vLGP) is highlighted by the fact that conventional, single neuron-based CP time courses are noisier and smaller in magnitude, with only small deflections from chance (Fig. 4f–h). Averaging over all neurons obscures the correlations between activity and choices that are revealed by the weighting schemes of the two population decoders.

Figure 4.
Figure 4.

Both linear and nonlinear ensemble analysis approaches reveal strong choice-correlated activity in MT distinct from motion encoding or psychophysical readout of motion signals. a–c, Time course of population-decoded choice probability during flat (a), late (b), and early (c) conditions. Solid versus dashed lines denote stimulus versus choice dimensions, respectively. Darker traces in the foreground denote CP calculated from latent factors, while semi-transparent traces denote logistic regression-based CP. Choice probability was consistently highest late during the stimulus period, regardless of the changes in temporal weighting strategy across conditions. d, Individual neuron weights in the logReg model to predict direction (left) and choice (right) as a function of task-relevant direction sensitivity (d′). The d′ value of a neuron was strongly correlated with its weight on the direction axis (r = 0.651) and uncorrelated with its weight on the choice axis (r = 0.039). e, The d′ value of a neuron was strongly correlated with the vLGP loading weights for the stimulus dimension (r = 0.484), and was only weakly correlated with the loading weights for the choice dimensions (r = 0.106). f–h, Average time course of single-unit CP is noisier and smaller in magnitude than CP from the population decoders.

Importantly, both analysis methods revealed that across pronounced, experimenter-induced, changes in temporal weighting strategy, the time course of choice-correlated activities never mirrored the time course of psychophysical readout (Fig. 4a–c). Instead, choice-correlated activity was consistently highest after the stimulus periods that were weighted the highest in the behavior. In the flat condition, both analysis approaches demonstrated increased choice probability during the last half of the stimulus, despite early weighting in the behavior. In the late condition, when behavior exhibited the strongest dependence on later portions of the stimulus, the strongest choice-correlated activity was still distinct from the stimulus-driven activity, and exhibited a more muted and flatter time course, though still characterized by an even later peak relative to the flat-stimulus condition. Finally, when subjects returned to an early weighting strategy in the early stimulus condition, the time course of choice probability returned to a similar rising profile, as originally measured during the flat condition. These observations are inconsistent with classical interpretations that choice probabilities reflect the feedforward consequences of sensory noise being read out as information about the stimulus because the bulk of the choice-correlated activity arose after the psychophysical readout of MT occurred. But, the form of the choice-related activity also challenges more recent interpretations that choice probabilities reflect feedback (Nienborg and Cumming, 2009; Wimmer et al., 2015; Cumming and Nienborg, 2016; Goris et al., 2017; Bondy et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2020), because differential MT responses correlated with choice were not strongly aligned with the motion responses that gave rise to those decisions, and thus are difficult to interpret as a choice signal being “sent back” to the sensory neurons with direction preferences consistent with the decision. Rather, the sensory and nonsensory signals appear to be multiplexed at the population level in a way that suggests they are not likely to interact in a straightforward feedforward or feedback manner, if at all (Yu and Gu, 2018; Zhao et al., 2020; Quinn et al., 2021).

Large choice-correlated activity also exists in the absence of the motion stimulus

We also observed another choice-related signal in MT of substantial magnitude. The vLGP analysis revealed significant choice-correlated activity after the offset of the motion stimulus, in anticipation of an upcoming saccade. There was a minimum 500 ms window between the stimulus offset and the disappearance of the fixation point that signaled the monkey could move their eyes to make their choice, and during this window we saw choice probabilities >0.7 (Fig. 5a). To be sure that this presaccadic CP was not contaminated by small eye movements within the fixation window, we calculated the speed of eye movements projected along the target–response vector in the same 500 ms window. We found only minuscule eye movements within this window, none of which showed any pattern with respect to time, or varied systematically with motion strength (median drift speed: strong trials, 0.024°/s; weak trials, 0.039°/s; zero-mean trials = 0.038°/s; ANOVA, p = 0.51). A similar lack of systematic effects of relative eye position (as opposed to velocity) was also noted.

Figure 5.
Figure 5.

Presence of large choice-related signals in MT during poststimulus delay period. a, CP along the choice (dashed lines) and direction (solid lines) axes, aligned to the time of the saccade. In all three conditions, there is high CP in the choice axis for the entire 500 ms preceding the saccade, without any stimulus drive. CP increased over the last 200 ms leading up to the saccade. There was relatively little CP along the stimulus axis. b, Saccade-aligned CP along the choice axis only, separated by median RT. CP for longer RT trials (dashed lines) increased earlier than that of shorter RT trials (dotted lines). This was true in all three conditions.

The magnitude of poststimulus choice probability is comparable to, and often greater than, what we observed during the stimulus period, and is quite high compared with traditional measures of choice probability based on single-neuron measurements. Most importantly, the finding of large amounts of choice-correlated activity without the presence of a visual stimulus in MT strengthens the case for such signals being nonsensory in origin. The choice signal measured during the delay period is present when there is no sensory drive whatsoever, further ruling out interpretations of choice probabilities as a product of noise in sensory representations. Instead, its full magnitude (revealed by “looking off” the stimulus axis), late time course, and presence up to the response are more similar to the choice-related activity seen in a multitude of areas that are often considered much more cognitive or associative in nature, such as lateral intraparietal area and prefrontal cortex (Roitman and Shadlen, 2002; Mante et al., 2013).

Interestingly, the onset of CP during the delay period varied with RT in a way that suggests the choice signal is not simple premotor activity. If this were the case, we would expect that CP would increase later on trials with longer RTs compared with trials with shorter RTs. Instead, when reaction times were longer than the median RT, the saccade-aligned CP increased noticeably earlier than on trials with reaction times in the shorter half of the RT distribution (Fig. 5b). This was true of all three temporal stimulus conditions. The result is striking, especially given the fixed-stimulus experimental design and the coarse division of “short” and “long” RTs by median. Temporally divorced from stimulus processing and not tightly linked to motor behavior timing, this delay period choice signal appears to have a more cognitive origin reflecting the maintenance of choice information between stimulus and response.

Time-varying readout of population activity confirms the dynamics of choice-related signals

In all analyses leading up to this point, the weights used to decode the stimulus or the choice were calculated using the neural responses and/or the derived latent factors from the entire stimulus period. Even with this fixed temporal readout scheme, we saw nuanced temporal dynamics in both sensory-related and choice-related activity that differed from the time course of temporal weighting evident in the psychophysical behavior. Although, from a decoding perspective, using temporal fixed weights makes for a readout process that the brain might find easier to implement, we know very little about how sophisticated the decoding machinery of the brain might be (and indeed, our ability to manipulate the time course of motion weighting suggests that temporally static decoding is not a hard limit). Furthermore, from a purely statistical perspective, we were also motivated to consider decoding with a temporally dynamic readout scheme to confirm that the rich dynamics we observed were neither constrained nor distorted by the assumption of constant readout weights. We therefore performed further latent factor analyses in which weights were fitted and applied based on the activity within individual 100 ms bins for both the delay and motion periods (Fig. 6).

Figure 6.
Figure 6.

Time course of choice-related activity in MT area is similar when time-varying decoding weights are used. a–c, Choice probabilities calculated with time-varying readout weights aligned to motion (left), and the saccades (right) for the flat (a), late (b), and early (c) conditions. CP along the choice axis is represented by dashed lines, while CP along the stimulus axis is represented by solid lines. Choice-axis CP was significantly higher in both the motion-aligned and saccade-aligned time frames. During motion (left), we confirmed that CP was highest during later stimulus epochs, after those with highest psychophysical weight. During the poststimulus period (right), we confirmed that CP increased primarily over the last 200 ms preceding the saccade to levels even higher than motion-aligned CP.

The time course of choice-correlated activity was quite similar from fixed to dynamic readout models. With temporally varied readout weights, the same pattern persisted: high CP late in the stimulus period regardless of temporal stimulus condition (Fig. 6, left). This is strong support for CP as a top-down signal that arrives in MT mostly after decisions have been made; that is, after the pulses with the highest weight in the psychophysical kernel. In this interpretation, during the late condition we have in essence delayed the decision and thus further delayed the decision-correlated activity that follows. The time-varying readout schemes also confirmed the dynamics in the poststimulus delay period. In all three conditions, CP was high throughout the delay period, but increased over the last 200 ms (Fig. 6, right). Along the stimulus axis, CP was flatter and closer to chance. Altogether, the similarity in CP time course between fixed and dynamic readout models suggests that a fixed weighting scheme is sufficient to describe the temporal patterns of choice information in MT during motion information both during and after the stimulus.


By manipulating the temporal weighting strategy of subjects while they performed a direction discrimination task, aided by ensemble recordings and population-level decoding analyses, we discovered multiple signals in MT that are distinct from its representation of motion direction. These findings expand our conception of MT, whose sensory representation of motion is solidly established to be used by later decision stages for perceptual reports and behavior. Striking changes in sensory response were associated with the mismatch between the current strength of sensory evidence and the learned time courses of sensory evidence. Although these large modulations affected the sensory encoding, they appear not to have affected the psychophysical behavior. Choice-correlated activity was also surprisingly strong, but was delayed relative to temporal weighting behavior, although the psychophysical temporal weighting strategy was under direct experimenter control. Furthermore, the choice-correlated activity was evident at the population level in a manner that was distinct from stimulus-driven responses in MT and was “readout irrelevant,” in that it was largest when the subjects were not primarily reading out the stimulus or even viewing a stimulus at all.

The changes we observed in sensory responses may seem paradoxical at first, as the gain was increased for periods of the stimulus during which the subjects applied the smallest amount of weight in forming decisions. This is opposite to the notion of attention affecting gain for parts of a stimulus that are more relevant for decisions (Treue and Maunsell, 1996; Seidemann and Newsome, 1999). But, these modulations appear more sensible when viewed as resulting from a mismatch between trained statistics and the current ones. The hyporesponsivity to late pulses in the late condition, and the hyper-responsivity to those same late pulses during the early condition, could both reflect a compensatory response to motion in the current condition compared with the expectation of the temporally uniform stimulus on which animals were trained. Indeed, potentially related homeostatic mechanisms have been observed in sensory cortex (Benucci et al., 2013). Through this lens, the temporal changes in the PTA reflect a recalibration of incoming information to meet the expectation of a temporally flat stimulus. Thus, even the sensory responses of MT are strongly affected by cognitive factors in ways that are dissociable from its well established—but no longer singular—role of representing retinal motion for the sake of perception and/or behavior.

Our findings regarding choice-related activity also add to the case for MT carrying substantial nonsensory signals. Having previously used ensemble recordings and population decoding to show that stimulus-related and choice-related activity in MT are distinguishable (Zhao et al., 2020), our findings in this study add several important facets. First, we exerted explicit control over the time course of psychophysical weighting, which allowed us to experimentally dissociate the psychophysical weighting from the time course of choice-correlated activity. By shifting the temporal weighting strategy, we effectively changed the average time of the decision, allowing us to confirm that choice signals followed primary decision formation when under explicit experimenter control. Second, we saw choice activity of substantial magnitude during the poststimulus delay period. This result rejects virtually any stimulus-based interpretation, as the choice signal was present when the sensory stimulus was not. These results also rule out straightforward forms of feedback creating choice-related activity, as those explanations require the decision-related feedback to be aligned with the sensory responses that gave rise to the corresponding choice. Furthermore, the delay period choice signal was not entirely explainable as premotor. Given all these distinctions, the parsimonious interpretation is that choice-related activity in MT is a distinct cognitive signal (or set of signals) that is best understood outside of the encoding of visual motion of MT. Although the presence of large choice-related but readout-irrelevant signals in macaque MT may be surprising at first, recent work in other species (also using ensemble recordings and analyses) has revealed widespread representations of choice-related and other task-correlated signals (Gründemann et al., 2018; Stringer et al., 2018; Musall et al., 2019).

Implications of sequential experimental design

Because we used a sequential design in which we slowly changed across our three stimulus conditions, it is important to consider the possible effects of general learning that might have occurred gradually over time, and not as a result of our manipulation of stimulus statistics. We can rule out any general learning effects in our behavioral results, as we would expect these to manifest as higher sensitivity as sessions progress, regardless of stimulus condition. This was not true, as psychometric sensitivity decreased slightly as the experimental conditions went on (slope of psychometric function ± 95% CI: flat, 2.52 ± 0.15; late, 2.04 ± 0.12; early, 1.70 ± 0.11). Similarly, we can rule out such effects on the neural stimulus and choice signals. If changes in neural responses from the flat condition to the late condition were a result of generalized learning, we would expect those effects to continue on from the late condition to the early condition. This is not true of either the sensory or choice signals we saw in MT, in which the patterns were distinct to the stimulus condition and showed no general trends across the full set of experiments.

We used an experimental design in which we changed the temporal weighting condition after several sessions to examine how neurons adapted and learned in the periods when the observer adjusted from one temporal weighting strategy to a new one. However, we found ourselves unable to do so because the change in stimulus statistics was such a powerful manipulation that the monkeys shifted their strategies rather quickly, leaving us with little opportunity to examine what happens as they learned the new expected statistics. It would be interesting to know whether the results would change in any way given a different experimental order, or given a design that incorporates all stimulus conditions within experimental sessions. Indeed, future studies would be wise to incorporate random, short blocks in similar experiments to further rule out possible sequential effects; this would also allow for recording from the same groups of neurons during all experimental conditions.

Population decoding approaches enable otherwise inaccessible insights

Our two analysis approaches revealed the temporal dynamics of the stimulus and choice responses of the MT that would not be as easily evident from classical, single neuron-based analyses. In the case of the response to motion, the average PTA of all recorded neurons showed trends reminiscent of those from our population decoders, but the temporal modulations were muted and could easily be overlooked and interpreted as stable across the three conditions. In the case of the choice signal, this was similarly evident in lower-magnitude CP and noisier time courses. We believe this is a relatively straightforward consequence of making simultaneous ensemble-scale recordings, as a raw average treats all neurons equally, regardless of their tuning to stimulus or choice, and would thus have detrimental effects on revealing signals.

This distinction between conventional metrics and population-level analyses highlights the value of the approaches used here. Indeed, even a simple weighted average, achieved via our logReg weights, was quite useful. It is important to appreciate that our samples of MT neurons within a session often contained a variety of tuning preferences, and that, while we ran the experiments along the directional axis that drives the greatest number of neurons according to their direction preference, there were often multiple cells with distinct tuning properties being fed into our decoders. By using logistic regression, we weighed each neuron according to its ability to predict the stimulus direction, and came away with an interpretable average that effectively downweighted the response of less relevant neurons. Although the brain may not be performing logistic regression per se, weighting the appropriate neurons for readout is a common assumption.

Likewise, not every neuron in MT, or in our samples of MT, is tuned for the choices of the animal (i.e., has high choice probability). In fact, we found that many neurons without strong direction selectivity had strong choice selectivity, and vice versa. Indeed, the choice response in MT appears to be a majority separate signal that lives nearly independent of its encoding of motion. We would have been blind to such relationships without the advantages of our current methods.

Thus, we view the logReg-weighted population response as a minimum necessary analysis for interpreting the nuances of high-dimensional recordings during complex behavior, and view vLGP as the more sophisticated approach that allows for deeper understanding of the population dynamics, which are made possible by leveraging assumptions of low-dimensional representations that explain the correlations within a high-dimensional space.


These findings provide new connections between MT function and well established conceptual and empirical frameworks. The sensory modulations associated with mismatches between expected and observed time courses of motion align with both predictive coding and reinforcement learning models, both of which are abstractly based on errors between expected and encountered elements within a task (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972; Engel et al., 2015). Although our findings run opposite to the known effects of temporal attention (Ghose and Maunsell, 2002) or to attention-related gating of sensory responses (Seidemann et al., 1998), some work has decoupled attentional modulations in MT area and medial superior temporal (MST) area from task performance (Zénon and Krauzlis, 2012). Our dissociation between MT modulations and task performance may be related, although in our case, their dependence on the strategic history of the subjects revealed signals that are not wholly irrelevant to the task, but are just not related to the formation of decisions on a trial-by-trial basis. This opens up the possibility that some attention-like phenomena may arise from expectations of stimulus statistics, instead of being modulations of sensory data per se. The poststimulus choice signals we observed in MT may be related to prior observations of small-amplitude, but tuned, persistent activity in MT (Bisley et al., 2004). Our findings suggest that those initial observations of relatively small changes in spike rate may have simply caught a glimpse of larger nonsensory signals preceding the saccadic decisions mostly missed by single-unit recordings that cannot see alternate effects on population activity across diversely tuned neurons. Finally, related work using a motion categorization task has revealed strong nonsensory, category-related activity in area MST, but not area MT (Freedman and Assad, 2006; Zhou et al., 2020). Such category-related activity can also be thought of as “choice-correlated,” as distinct from purely sensory driven. Although the tasks, training histories, and analytic approaches differ between that work, our findings suggest that the apparent distinction between MT and MST areas regarding the presence of such category/choice activity might be less strict than previously observed. Again, the potential for ensemble recordings and corresponding analyses may have been critical for not just observing these nonsensory signals in MT, but for appreciating their substantial magnitude.

To conclude, our manipulation of temporal weighting strategy revealed a dissociation of sensory response gain that did not appear to play out in decisions about visual motion. Likewise, our approach of using ensemble recordings and population decoding allowed us to see large choice-related signals that were not just temporally dissociated from psychophysical weighting (or even stimulus viewing), but that were large in magnitude and distributed across the population in a manner distinct from how visual motion direction is represented. Together, these signals and modulations call for consideration of MT well beyond its role in the encoding of retinal motion and, more generally, challenge simple conceptions of sensory gain and decision-related feedback as being clearly task relevant. Understanding the population coding structure and functional roles of such task-related but nonsensory computations are new open questions.