Color of phlegm can predict outcomes for patients with the lung disease, bronchiectasis

Different coloured sputum used as indicators of the degree of inflammation in the lungs. Credit: Dr Megan Crichton The color of the phlegm from patients with the lung disease bronchiectasis…

Co-occurrence of psoriasis and rheumatic diseases common

Psoriasis is associated with rheumatic diseases, according to a study published online Aug. 5 in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Mimi Chung, from the University of California…

Immune cell movement worse in older females, mice study finds

Myeloid immune cells alongside red blood cells in an electron micrograph of human blood. Credit: National Cancer Institute According to a new study, older female mice had more immune cells entering…

How interleukin-6 helps prevent allergic asthma and atopy by suppressing interleukin-2 signaling

Knowledge of this previously unrecognized mechanism may aid therapy for patients with interleukin-6 signaling mutations and hyper-IgE Syndrome, or HIES. Credit: University of Alabama at Birmingham The immune system has…