Brain Region That Links Language to Social Cognition Identified

Summary: Researchers discovered that neural activity in the left ventral temporoparietal junction (vTPJ) and the lateral anterior temporal lobe (lATL) during sentence processing is tied to social-semantic working memory. Previously,…

Toddlers Use Logic Before Language

Summary: Toddlers as young as 19 months old exhibit natural logical thinking, independent of language knowledge. This ability, manifesting as exclusion by elimination, allows toddlers to make conclusions about unknown…

Why Our Brains Prefer Symbols to Words

Summary: Research reveals symbols are more memorable than words. This novel study dives into our brain’s knack for recalling graphic symbols and logos over their word counterparts. Symbols, offering visual…

Brain’s Melody and Prose: How Music and Language Affect Different Regions

Summary: A recent study reveals how different brain areas are activated when processing music and language. Using direct brain recordings during an awake craniotomy, the researchers observed shared temporal lobe…

Stress Hormone in Pregnancy Bolsters Child’s Early Language Skills

Summary: Higher cortisol levels, a stress hormone, during the third trimester of pregnancy may boost speech and language skills in early childhood. A new study analyzed data from over 1,000…