Summary: A new study shows that our brains physically link memories formed close together in time through changes in the dendrites of neurons, rather than in the cell bodies. Using…
Tag: learning
Multilingualism Starts Early: Study Challenges View on Language Learning
Summary: A new study of 121 infants in Accra, Ghana, reveals that babies regularly hear between two and six languages from multiple caregivers. Unlike the Western model of learning one…
Perfect Pitch Can Be Learned: Study Challenges Long-Held Beliefs
Summary: Absolute pitch, once thought to be an innate ability or only attainable through early childhood training, may be learnable in adulthood. Researchers trained 12 adult musicians in an eight-week…
AI Mimics Toddler-Like Learning to Unlock Human Cognition
Summary: A new AI model, based on the PV-RNN framework, learns to generalize language and actions in a manner similar to toddlers by integrating vision, proprioception, and language instructions. Unlike…
Distinctive Neural Wiring Enhances Memory Storage
Summary: A new study has revealed distinct features of the human hippocampus, a brain region critical for memory storage and retrieval, challenging the assumption that it functions like a scaled-up…
The Secret to Raising Independent Kids? Let Them Learn on Their Own
Summary: Parents are 50% less likely to intervene in their young children’s tasks, such as getting dressed, when these activities are framed as learning opportunities. A new study demonstrated that…
How Hunter-Gatherer Kids Learn Lifelong Skills by Age Six
Summary: Hunter-gatherer children in the Congo Basin learn critical skills like hunting, gathering, and childcare by age six or seven, thanks to a unique social learning environment. Unlike Western societies,…
Does Additional Education Protect the Brain?
Summary: A recent study explored whether additional years of education lead to long-term changes in brain structure, especially in protecting against brain aging. Analyzing data from a unique natural experiment…
How Curiosity Styles Shape Wikipedia Use and Learning
Summary: A study of global Wikipedia browsing patterns reveals three curiosity styles: the focused “hunter,” the exploratory “busybody,” and the creative “dancer.” Data from 482,760 readers in 50 countries shows…