Monkey See, Monkey Think: Groundbreaking Study Reveals Primate’s Ability for Complex Decision-Making

Summary: Move over humans, monkeys can think deeply too! A novel study has shown that monkeys are capable of careful decision-making by considering costs, consequences, and constraints. Findings reveal our…

500 Days of Solitude: One Woman’s Experience of Extreme Social Isolation Sheds Light on Time Perception

Summary: A woman who recently emerged from a cave after 500 days of isolation reported she rapidly lost her perception of time. Researchers explore how social isolation impacts time perception…

Stress Rapidly Increases Biological Age, but Recovery Turns Back the Clock

Summary: Stress can cause rapid and transient increases in biological age, which can be reversed upon recovery, according to a new study. Using DNA methylation clocks, researchers found that stress…

Reality or Illusion? The Human Battle with Distinguishing Imagination from Reality

Summary: The more vividly we imagine something, the more likely we are to believe it’s real, a new study reports. Researchers found the brain encodes the vividness of perceived and…

Study Explores Prosocial Behavior Within and Between Religious Groups

Summary: Regardless of affiliation, religious people were more likely to act in a generous manner toward strangers when asked to think about their God. The level of giving increased equally…

Mapping the Psyche of Extreme Altruists

Summary: While more altruistic people can be distinguished from typical adults by their unselfish traits and actions, they are generally not different in other ways. Altruistic people are no more…

How High Blood Pressure Affects Mental Health

Summary: Researchers have discovered high blood pressure, depression, and emotion-related brain activity are linked to the development of hypertension. Source: Max Planck Institute Our mental health and that of our…

To What Extent Are We Ruled by Unconscious Forces?

Summary: Unconscious mechanisms that occur as a result of neural activity set us up for actions we are going to take. This happens before we are consciously aware of the…

Disrupted Rhythms of Rest and Wakefulness Contribute to Worse Symptoms in Schizophrenia Patients

Summary: Those with schizophrenia who had more erratic sleep patterns, excessively rigid daily routines, and dysregulated patterns between sleep and wake transition had worse symptoms associated with schizophrenia and poorer…

Time Out: We All Need a Three-Day Weekend

Summary: A three-day weekend is good for our health, a new study reports. An extra day of rest improves sleep duration, increases physical activity, and was associated with overall healthier…