Eating with Your Eyes and Gut? How Your Brain Decides When to Eat

Summary: The science of eating behavior goes beyond hunger cues; it involves sensory stimuli, internal signals, and the gut-brain connection. External cues like food packaging and advertisements influence our eating…

Beyond Processed Foods: New Insights into What Drives Our Food Choices

Summary: A new study challenges prevailing assumptions about food preferences, particularly regarding ultra-processed foods (UPFs). Engaging 224 adults, the study analyzed responses to images of 52 familiar foods, assessing factors…

Microbiome and Diet Could Mitigate PTSD Symptoms

Summary: Researchers explored the potential link between the Mediterranean diet, the gut microbiome, and PTSD symptoms. Their study, involving 191 participants, revealed that those following a Mediterranean diet exhibited fewer…

Neighborhood Woes: How Living Conditions Impact Brain Structure and Diet

Summary: Living in disadvantaged neighborhoods not only influences food choices and weight gain but can also alter the brain’s microstructure. Researchers found that poor food quality, high-calorie intake, and inactive…

Embrace Wellness with AI: Chatbots Boosting Exercise, Diet, and Sleep Quality

Summary: Researchers found artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots can significantly enhance physical activity, diet, and sleep patterns. The study, the first systematic review and meta-analysis of its kind, shows that chatbots…

Nourishing the Mind: Nutritional Interventions to Slow Alzheimer’s Disease

Summary: A new systematic review examined nutritional interventions for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The review identified 38 studies, including randomized clinical trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. The findings indicate that nutritional…