Bees, flowers, and beyond—One researcher’s path to understanding and promoting pollinator health – Functional Ecologists

Dr. Laura Figueroa—currently an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow and incoming Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA—shares her recently accepted paper: “Sunflower…

Personalized genetic cancer treatments key in increasing longevity and quality of life

Many people think of cancer as a single disease, and for many years the only treatment was to cut out tumor tissue that could be seen.  However, the history of…

Link Between Poor Verbal Memory and Hospitalization in Depression and Bipolar Disorder Patients

Summary: Poor verbal memory may increase the risk of psychiatric hospitalization for patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder or depression. The severity of the illness was previously thought to have an…

Swarming locusts can deploy a chemical to avoid being cannibalized

For many locusts, life in a swarm is a picnic. Crowded conditions create a locust-eat-locust world. But it turns out some migrating insects deploy a “don’t-eat-me” pheromone that can deter…

Closely tropical herbs have similar tolerance to high temperatures – Functional Ecologists

In our newest post Georgia Hernández Corrales—PhD candidate at University of Connecticut, USA—presents her work ‘Evolutionary history constrains heat tolerance of native and exotic tropical Zingiberales’. She discusses the importance…

Viewpoint fact check: Honeybees aren’t disappearing and GMOs do not cause colony collapse disorder

Myth: The honeybees are disappearing Fact: In 2020 the EU had approximately 19 million honeybee hives, managed by 615,000 beekeepers. These hives altogether produced 275,000 tonnes of honey. Beekeeping is practiced…

Sleep Spindles Play a Role in Soothing PTSD Anxiety and Enhancing Memory Retention

Summary: Brief bursts of brain activity during sleep known as sleep spindles could potentially help regulate anxiety in people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Researchers believe that the study’s findings…

Music Can Be an Alternative to Opioid-Based Medication for Chronic Pain

Summary: Music has been suggested as a complementary alternative to chronic pain medication. A new study examines the experience of a woman with chronic pain who used music for pain…

A 2,200-year-old poop time capsule reveals secrets of the Andean condor

For over 2,000 years, Andean condors have been nesting — and pooping — in the same cliffside grotto high in the Andes. This gargantuan pile of guano is now providing…

Harnessing Psilocybin to Treat PTSD

Summary: Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, can restore fear extinction and help treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The study found that psilocybin promotes the growth of new neurons…