Summary: Researchers conducted a study exploring why investors are drawn to high-risk IPO shares despite their generally low returns, comparing this allure to the steady yet modest returns of investments…
Tag: decision making
Emotion vs. Reason: Rethinking Decision-Making
Summary: Researchers challenge the notion that rational thinking is the only path to good decision-making. Highlighting the limited role of rationality in our choices, the researchers emphasize the profound influence…
Fear Distorts Reward Decisions Differently for Women and Men
Summary: Fear can significantly influence women’s preference for immediate financial rewards over larger, delayed ones, a decision-making bias known as “delay discounting,” while men’s choices remain unaffected by their emotional…
Attitude Bias at Procrastination’s Root
Summary: New research delves into how valence weighting bias—people’s tendency to prioritize negative or positive attitudes—plays a crucial role in procrastination. By studying individuals’ responses to tasks like tax filing…
Optimism Linked to Poor Decision-Making and Lower Cognitive Skills
Summary: While optimism is often celebrated, a new study reveals that excessive optimism can lead to poor decision-making, particularly in financial matters. The research shows that individuals with high cognitive…
ChatGPT’s Choices: Overload or Overjoyed? Decoding Decision Dynamics
Summary: Researchers delved into how ChatGPT influences user decision-making, focusing on the ‘choice overload’ phenomenon. This condition emerges when an individual is overwhelmed by numerous options, often leading to decision…
Daring Differently: Gender Differences in Risk-Taking Behavior
Summary: A new study sheds light on gender differences in risk-taking behavior. The research reveals women are more averse to risk than men due to heightened sensitivity to potential losses.…
Monkey See, Monkey Think: Groundbreaking Study Reveals Primate’s Ability for Complex Decision-Making
Summary: Move over humans, monkeys can think deeply too! A novel study has shown that monkeys are capable of careful decision-making by considering costs, consequences, and constraints. Findings reveal our…
One Brain, Multiple and Simultaneous Alternative Decision Strategies
Summary: When it comes to decision-making, rather than committing to a single strategy, the brain computes multiple decision strategies simultaneously. Source: Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown Choosing a checkout line…