Neuroticism Alters How Personality Affects Self-Control

Summary: Personality traits like conscientiousness and extraversion are linked to higher self-control, while neuroticism can weaken this effect, especially in specific types of self-control like resisting temptation or initiating proactive…

Memory can be strengthened by unrelated experiences, study finds

Homosynaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) stimulus minutes before, after, or 24 hr after a weak associative conditioning produces lasting memory. Credit: eLife (2023). DOI: 10.7554/eLife.91421 There is a legend that many…

Molecule Discovery Could Revolutionize Chronic Pain Treatment

Summary: Researchers have identified a natural molecule, phosphatidic acid, that reduces the sensitivity of touch-sensing ion channels, providing a promising new avenue for managing chronic pain. By increasing levels of…

Digital Swiping Increases Boredom, Reduces Video Enjoyment

Summary: Swiping through online videos to alleviate boredom may actually make people more bored and less satisfied with the content, according to new research. The study found that switching between…

Pitch Perfect: Singing Earworms Reveals Surprising Trait

Summary: Researchers discovered that nearly 45% of people sing earworms in perfect pitch, suggesting a hidden “perfect pitch” ability in the general population. Even without formal musical training, participants accurately…

Muscle Proteins Trigger Desire for Exercise

Summary: A new study reveals that certain muscle proteins activated during exercise can increase the desire to stay active, shedding light on a muscle-brain signaling pathway. The research suggests that…

Why Are We Drawn to Events Focused on Death and Disaster?

Summary: Researchers have developed a new framework to understand why people are fascinated by events centered around themes of death, disaster, and suffering. These “dark events” include everything from historical…

How the Brain Learns to Make Inferences

Summary: Researchers have uncovered how the brain processes inferential reasoning by recording neuron activity in individuals as they learned through trial and error. The study revealed that specific brain regions,…

Lipid accumulation drives cellular senescence in dopaminergic neurons

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A new research perspective titled Lipid accumulation drives cellular senescence in dopaminergic neurons has been published in Aging. As highlighted in the Abstract of this perspective,…

Glial Cells Play Key Role in Alzheimer’s Development

Summary: New research reveals that glial cells, specifically oligodendrocytes, produce amyloid beta, a protein linked to Alzheimer’s disease, challenging the long-held belief that neurons are the sole contributors. This discovery…