Maternal Inflammation Linked to Child Behavioral Dysregulation

Summary: Maternal inflammation risk factors may be associated with dysregulation in children, encompassing attention, anxiety, depression, and aggression. Researchers observed that children born to mothers with prenatal infections, or who…

Balancing Act: The Mixed Blessings of Solitude on Mental Health

Summary: A new study examines the nuanced impact of solitude on mental health among adults aged 35 and older in the UK and US. Tracking 178 participants over 21 days,…

Brain Stimulation Enhances Memory in Schizophrenia Patients

Summary: A new study suggests that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can improve aspects of prospective memory in individuals with schizophrenia. The trial compared 50 schizophrenia patients, split between active…

Childhood Stress Linked to Adult Depression

Summary: A new study reveals a connection between negative life events (NLE) in childhood and a higher likelihood of developing depression in young adulthood. This research, involving 321 participants, showed…

Stress and Snacks: How Fatty Foods Hinder Recovery

Summary: Consuming fatty foods during stressful times can hinder the body’s recovery from stress effects. Researchers found that high-fat meals, like butter croissants, consumed before a stressful event, reduced vascular…

Optimism Linked to Poor Decision-Making and Lower Cognitive Skills

Summary: While optimism is often celebrated, a new study reveals that excessive optimism can lead to poor decision-making, particularly in financial matters. The research shows that individuals with high cognitive…

Rising Cannabis Use Among Older Americans During the Pandemic

Summary: A new study reveals an increase in cannabis use among older Americans, with 12% reporting THC-containing substance consumption in the past year, a rise from pre-pandemic levels. The study…

Link Between Childhood Adversity and Muscle Dysmorphia in Youth

Summary: A new study reveals a significant association between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and symptoms of muscle dysmorphia in adolescents and young adults. The research highlights how ACEs, such as…

How Imagination Fuels Empathy and Prosocial Behavior

Summary: A new study highlights the significant role of imagination in evoking empathy and driving prosocial behavior. While empathy is multifaceted, this research focuses on two aspects: personal distress and…

Dopamine’s Role in Learning from Rewards and Penalties

Summary: Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, plays a vital role in encoding both reward and punishment prediction errors in the human brain. This study suggests that dopamine is essential for learning from…