Top 10 Neuroscience News Articles of 2023

Summary: The year 2023 witnessed groundbreaking discoveries in neuroscience, offering unprecedented insights into the human brain. From animal-free brain organoids to the effects of optimism on cognitive skills, these top…

Mind Over Matter: Perception of Time Influences Wound Healing

Summary: Perceived time significantly impacts the healing of physical wounds. Researchers found wounds healed faster when participants believed more time had passed, challenging conventional beliefs about psychological effects on physical…

Embracing Intellectual Humility – Neuroscience News

Summary: Intellectual humility, characterized by an awareness of one’s cognitive limitations and openness to revising beliefs, plays a pivotal role in various aspects of human life. This quality encompasses being…

Kids’ Trust in Robots vs Humans: A Study in Selective Learning

Summary: A new study explores how children aged three to five gauge the reliability of information from humans and robots. The study found that children display selective trust based on…

Women’s Tears Chemical Diminish Male Aggression

Summary: A new study reveals that women’s tears contain chemicals that significantly reduce aggression in men. The study, which builds on known effects in rodents, employed a two-person game designed…

Sleep Deprivation’s Toll on Emotions

Summary: Researchers examined over fifty years of research to highlight the profound impact of sleep loss on emotional well-being. Analyzing data from 154 studies with 5,715 participants, the research team…

Spinal Stimulation Shows Promise As Depression Treatment

Summary: Researchers conducted a pilot clinical trial showing that spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a feasible and well-tolerated method with potential to treat major depressive disorder. The trial involved 20…

Gene Clusters Reveal Brain Link to Anxiety Disorders

Summary: Researchers made a significant breakthrough in understanding the genetic basis of anxiety disorders (ADs), which affect over 280 million people globally. By analyzing the spatiotemporal transcriptomic data of AD-associated…

Holiday Stress Tops Tax Stress

Summary: A recent survey reveals that the holiday season is more stressful than tax season for many Americans, impacting their mental and physical health. Conducted in December 2023, the survey…

Apes’ Long-Term Social Memory Mirrors Human Ability

Summary: A new study reveals that apes possess a remarkably long-lasting social memory, comparable to humans. Researchers found that chimpanzees and bonobos can recognize former groupmates they haven’t seen for…