Sleepless Nights: The Brain’s Surprising Reaction to All-Nighters

Summary: unveiled the science behind the buoyant mood many feel after acute sleep deprivation, like pulling an all-nighter. The study in mice showed that not only does dopamine release rise…

Healthy Habits Are Key to Curbing Depression’s Hold

Summary: A new study delves into the role of lifestyle choices in mitigating depression risks. Drawing from the UK Biobank, researchers analyzed data from nearly 290,000 participants, determining that seven…

The Dream Dance: Decoding REM’s Mystical Nightly Show in Our Brains

Summary: REM sleep, marked by rapid eye movement, is one of the most mysterious stages of our nightly rest, known for vivid dreams. This phase, repeating every 90 to 120…

Embrace Wellness with AI: Chatbots Boosting Exercise, Diet, and Sleep Quality

Summary: Researchers found artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots can significantly enhance physical activity, diet, and sleep patterns. The study, the first systematic review and meta-analysis of its kind, shows that chatbots…

How Our Own Sleep Ratings Shape Our Next-Day Mood

Summary: According to a recent study people’s feelings about their sleep have a stronger influence on their well-being than data from sleep-tracking technology. Over 100 participants kept daily sleep diaries…