A bacteria-virus arms race could lead to a new way to treat shigellosis

When some bacteria manage to escape being killed by a virus, the microbes end up hamstringing themselves. And that could be useful in the fight to treat infections. The bacterium…

2021 research reinforced that mating across groups drove human evolution

Evidence that cross-continental Stone Age networking events powered human evolution ramped up in 2021. A long-standing argument that Homo sapiens originated in East Africa before moving elsewhere and replacing Eurasian…

Gut bacteria let vulture bees eat rotting flesh without getting sick

Mention foraging bees and most people will picture insects flitting from flower to flower in search of nectar. But in the jungles of Central and South America, “vulture bees” have…

‘Life as We Made It’ charts the past and future of genetic tinkering

Life as We Made ItBeth ShapiroBasic Books, $30 With genetic engineering, humans have recently unleashed a surreal fantasia: pigs that excrete less environment-polluting phosphorus, ducklings hatched from chicken eggs, beagles…

Are viruses alive, not alive or something in between? And why does it matter?

Villain. Killer. Menace. Since 2020, scientists and public officials have used these words to describe SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. News articles, research papers and tweets repeatedly personify the…

A hit of dopamine sends mice into dreamland

A quick surge of dopamine shifts mice into a dreamy stage of sleep. In the rodents’ brains, the chemical messenger triggers rapid-eye-movement sleep, or REM, researchers report in the March…

Americans tend to assume imaginary faces are male

There may be a reason we see a man, rather than a maiden, in the moon. When people spot facelike patterns in inanimate objects, those faces are more likely to…

A faulty immune response may be behind lingering brain trouble after COVID-19

A tussle with COVID-19 can leave people’s brains fuzzy. SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19, doesn’t usually make it into the brain directly. But the immune system’s response to even mild…

50 years ago, scientists were on the trail of ‘memory molecules’

Learning and memory transfer: More experimental evidence — Science News, November 6, 1971 The first memory molecule has been isolated, characterized and synthesized … [from the brains of] rats that had been…

‘Feeling & Knowing’ explores the origin and evolution of consciousness

Feeling & KnowingAntonio DamasioPantheon, $26 Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio believes that the link between brain and body is the key to understanding consciousness. In his latest book, Feeling & Knowing: Making…