CaMKII Can Be Regulated to Mitigate Alzheimer’s

Summary: The CaMKII protein, critical in brain and heart function, can be regulated to mitigate Alzheimer’s and heart conditions using three types of drug inhibitors. Their findings reveal that these…

Antidepressants Impact Brain Development – Neuroscience News

Summary: Using antidepressants during pregnancy, specifically fluoxetine (found in Prozac and Sarafem), can significantly affect a child’s brain development, particularly in the prefrontal cortex, potentially increasing the risk of mental…

Love’s Chemistry: How Dopamine Shapes Bonds and Breakups

Summary: Researchers uncover how dopamine, a key neurotransmitter, varies in response to social interactions, distinguishing between intimate and casual relationships. Their research, conducted on prairie voles, sheds light on the…

Can Cannabis Improve Exercise Experience?

Summary: A study of 42 runners reveals that using cannabis before exercise can boost mood and enjoyment. The study shows that both THC and CBD can enhance exercise experience, with…