Depression and Schizophrenia Impact Learning

Summary: A new study reveals that patients with schizophrenia or depression struggle with optimal information utilization in learning processes. Using EEG and advanced computer modeling, researchers found that these patients…

Brain Junctions Unlocked – Neuroscience News

Summary: New research unveils the function of a previously little-understood brain junction involving oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs). These cells, integral in forming the protective myelin sheath around nerve cells, have…

Eye-Tracking Unveils Autism’s Distinctive Worldview and Social Focus Shift

Summary: Researchers have discovered that children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) develop distinct attentional preferences compared to typically developing children, focusing more on non-social stimuli like objects and textures. Using…

Outsmarting AI: Brain’s Wide, Shallow Learning Redefines Efficiency

Summary: Recent research contrasts the learning mechanisms of the human brain with those of deep learning in AI. Despite having fewer layers and slower, noisier dynamics, the brain can perform…

Perinatal Depression: Decades of Elevated Mortality Risk

Summary: A new study highlights the long-term mortality risks associated with perinatal depression. Analyzing data from over 86,500 women, the research found that those experiencing depression during or shortly after…

Love’s Chemistry: How Dopamine Shapes Bonds and Breakups

Summary: Researchers uncover how dopamine, a key neurotransmitter, varies in response to social interactions, distinguishing between intimate and casual relationships. Their research, conducted on prairie voles, sheds light on the…

Study reveals function of little-understood synapse in the brain

Credit: CC0 Public Domain New research from Oregon Health & Science University for the first time reveals the function of a little-understood junction between cells in the brain that could…

Aesthetic Chills Chase Depression Away

Summary: A new study explores the potential of aesthetic chills, intense emotional responses characterized by shivers and goosebumps, as a novel intervention for depression. The research enrolled 96 individuals diagnosed…

Targeting Inflammation Reduces ALS Symptoms

Summary: New research reveals that in people with ALS, structural changes in neurons activate immune cells, leading to inflammation and reduced motor function. A study explores the correlation between neuron…

Laugh Lines: Humor Differences Between Men and Women Revealed

Summary: A new study analyzing print cartoons from 1930-2010 reveals intriguing gender differences in humor preferences. Men tend to favor visual jokes, while women prefer humor involving politics or close…