Hurts to Think: The Unpleasant Truth About Mental Effort

Summary: New research suggests that mental exertion is often associated with unpleasant feelings such as stress and irritation, challenging the notion that people enjoy mentally demanding tasks. A meta-analysis of…

Overthinking Happiness Can Lower Life Satisfaction

Summary: Obsessing over personal happiness can actually decrease life satisfaction, according to new research. In three studies involving over 1,800 participants, individuals who judged their own happiness reported lower well-being,…

Study Reveals Shared Values Among US Voters Despite Political Divide

Summary: New research reveals that most American voters, regardless of political affiliation, share similar values, but fail to recognize their common ground. This misperception exacerbates societal conflict and pessimism about…

Cancer Drug Shows Promise for Autism Cognitive Function

Summary: A new experimental cancer drug could ease cognitive difficulties for those with Rett syndrome, a rare autism-linked disorder, by enhancing brain cell functions. The drug, ADH-503, improves the activity…

Anxiety Raises Dementia Risk – Neuroscience News

Summary: A new study reveals that chronic and new anxiety are linked to a higher risk of dementia, while resolved anxiety shows no such association. Following 2,132 Australian individuals for…

Brain Coupling May Predict Psychosis

Summary: Individuals with the 22q11.2DS genetic deletion show unique patterns of brain activity and structure, which could predict their risk of psychosis. By studying brain “coupling” from childhood to adulthood,…

Mindfulness Can Induce Altered States of Consciousness

Summary: Mindfulness training can lead to altered states of consciousness, such as disembodiment and unity. Researchers found that participants were twice as likely to experience these states compared to a…

Mind-Bending: Psilocybin Reshapes Brain Networks for Weeks

Summary: A new study reveals that psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, temporarily disrupts brain networks involved in introspective thinking, like daydreaming and memory. These changes persist for weeks,…

Brain Area Linked to Mood Swings in Bipolar Disorder

Summary: A new study identifies brain areas linked to mood swings and pleasure response in bipolar disorder. Researchers found that people with bipolar disorder show heightened activity in the ventral…

How Music Synchronizes Heart Rates and Collective Emotions

Summary: Listening to music synchronizes heart rates within individuals more reliably than between different people. This synchronization depends on physiological responses rather than mood or music preferences. The findings help…